Dr Mark Hyman Gluten Free Diet

Beyond Celiac CEO Alice Bast talks about taking a holistic approach to health with Dr. Mark Hyman.

For many people with celiac disease, eliminating gluten from the diet isn't enough to feel completely better. Some people with celiac disease have additional food sensitivities or allergies, while others are depleted of essential vitamins and minerals upon diagnosis. In addition to these health challenges, some people have had a long, emotional diagnosis process and many mourn the loss of their favorite foods and their old lifestyle.

Beyond Celiac is bringing you this video from our archive; Alice Bast, Beyond Celiac CEO and Dr. Mark Hyman talk about taking a holistic approach to treating celiac disease that starts with taking back the kitchen.

See the transcript below the video.

Alice Bast:And tell me a little bit more about personalized medicine, I mean, there's so much money that's put into different kinds of — whether it's procedures and, you know, kind of the disease care system. And I know you're doing a lot with cooking. Tell us about the work you do with cooking, because that to me is amazing, because when I started the foundation I partnered doctors and chefs together and I had them cook nationwide to show how foods are medicine. And I had them compete, because through competition our lives are better and you are doing this cooking, eating with Katie Couric. Tell me more about the work that you're doing because we want America to start cooking again.

Mark Hyman: Well, that's the best way to be 100% gluten-free is to cook your own food. Cooking is the nexus of everything that's important in our lives; it connects us with our family, our friends, it connects us with the environment, it connects us with the land, the earth, with the animals and plants that we eat. And most of us are disconnected from the source of our food and we eat stuff that's made in a factory, we outsource our cooking to industrial food system instead of creating a way of connecting with our food and creating our food for ourselves. So it's the best thing we can do to create health, to restore the health of our environment, to change our agricultural production system, to end industrial agriculture, to reduce our economic burden, to reduce healthcare costs. All those things can be done simply by taking back our kitchens by re-inhabiting them, by clearing out our pantries of junk, by clearing out our fridges of junk and putting back into our food, ingredients. We should have ingredients that we cook from; we don't need packaged and processed foods. Mostly packaged and processed foods have some form of gluten in it. You know, I said to one of my patients once, "Are you gluten-free?" He goes, "Yeah." I said, "Well, what are you eating?" He said, "I have French fries." I said, "Really, did you know that when someone asked them once if they are wheat-free and they go, "oh, no, no we just dip them in gluten and then we fry them." So often we don't even know what we're getting and people don't know what's going on and it's sort of prevalent, so cook it yourself, eat it yourself and your life will be enriched.

Dr Mark Hyman Gluten Free Diet

Source: https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-news/alice-bast-talks-functional-medicine-with-dr-mark-hyman/

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