Easy Sign Up for Parent Teacher Conferences


Parent-teacher conferences can be stressful for both parents and teachers alike. For most preschool parents this will be one of the first times attending a conference with their child's teacher. Follow these steps for flawless and stress-free conferences every time!

Parent-Teacher Conference Prep: Step One-Assessments

First and foremost, formal assessments must be completed prior to parent-teacher conferences. I begin formal assessments at least one month before the conference date. That way I have enough time to get all my assessments completed. And it allows time to assess children that may have been absent.  Ask for parent volunteers for the days you do formal assessments.  This way you can still follow your lesson plans.

I like to have all the materials that I use for formal assessments in a tray or basket near my conference table. That way if parents have questions on how I have administered the assessment I have all the materials ready to show them and answer their questions effectively.

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Step 2-Forms


Secondly, about 2 weeks prior to your conference dates, you will want to send out a pre-conference questionnaire. That way you can look over any anticipated questions or major issues and be prepared to discuss them appropriately. This also will allow you to take some extra time to do some research or take more observational notes.  My questionnaire is included along with the Pre-conference Checklist at the bottom of this post.

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Step 3-Sign Ups

Next, it is important that you have a sign up set up about 2 to 3 weeks before the conference date. A simple clipboard with printed time slots will work, but there are lots of online systems available. My school uses an online program called Sign-up Genius. Sign-up Genius is easy to set up and use. Consequently, it makes things easier for the teachers too. Teachers are not responsible for keeping track of sign up sheets or sending out reminders. Whatever scheduling method you choose, make sure you block out your own breaks first. Conferences are exhausting you need to remember to take care of yourself.

Step 4-Conference Checklist


The most important thing is to be prepared. I have created a "Pre-Conference Checklist" to help your conferences go off without a hitch! Make sure that you have assembled all of your assessments, notes, children's work or portfolios, and any other materials you might want to share with parents.

I like to have everything in folders ready to go, it makes it so much easier.

Step 5-Remember to Take Care of Yourself

Right before conferences, I always make sure that I have a little basket of self-care items nearby. Be sure to have a water bottle, breath mints, and cough drops for your voice. I also like to have a little snack and a notebook and pen handy for anything I may need to remember from talking with parents.

Ideas for Parent-teacher Conferences

During the conference, always start with a positive. Bring up one or two things that their child does wonderfully well, or share a funny or amusing anecdote about their child in the classroom that you know parents would enjoy.

Then go through each page of the assessment. Make sure to show parents progress from the last conference. If this is the first conference, comment that this gives a good baseline for going forward. I make sure I highlight things that their child is doing well.

it is a good idea to have a one-page assessment summary sheet for parents to take with them. Sometimes they are nervous during the conference and forget the assessment results. This way they have something to keep for their records, and compare with conferences later in the year or in the following years.

Make sure that you pause for questions or concerns that the parents might have about specific areas of the assessment as well.

Next Steps

After going over the assessment and giving the parents the assessment summary I will referred to their pre-conference questionnaire for any other questions they might have and open the rest of the conference time up for any discussion they may want to have with me. Just as with the beginning of the conference I always end our conference on a positive note. If there has been a behavior problem Or learning delayed discussed I will set a time for a follow-up call or follow up conference as well. Or at least make plans to do so.

Before you know it, conferences will be over and you will feel fantastic if you are prepared for anything that might come up and you are organized and ready to go. Be warned, after conferences your mind may be going 1,000,000 miles an hour. It is very difficult for me to go straight to sleep when I get home from conferences. I need some wind down time for myself. I either

Oh! one more reminder… turn your phone off or set to silent for the conference times. It is so embarrassing to have a conference going well, and have it interrupted by your phone ringing or buzzing nearby.


Source: https://teachprek.com/parent-teacher-conferences-steps-for-success/

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